INLS161-001 Fall 2024

Tools for Information Literacy

  • Contact options
  • via Canvas Inbox
  • Office hours
  • I will normally have office hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between 1400-1530 in Manning Hall, room 305, or via Zoom.
  • At any time, if my door is open, I'll be there and am ready to speak with you.
    If it isn't, I can be available via Zoom or Teams Meetings at a mutually agreed upon time.


Basics | sessions 01-03

Monday is FDOC.

We will meet all together on Tuesdays, from 0800-0915, in Manning Hall, room 209

Lecture | Introductions and Overview

  1. There will be some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. We will then introduce the structure and plan for this semester's class
  3. We will introduce the concept of client-server relationships

We have eight recitation sections. The activities will be alike in all of them, though the manner of delivery may vary.

This week we will do five activities.

  1. Discussion posting 01a - introduce yourselves to your colleagues using Canvas
  2. There will be a short discussion on open source computing
  3. Task 01b - subscribe to required newsletters and maybe think about optional ones as well
  4. We will introduce conventions we will use in INLS161-001 this fall
  5. Task 01c - look at the guidance for how and why to install a UNC VPN on your laptops

We discussed the CLIENT-server relationship this week

Next week we will discuss the client-SERVER side of the relationship

We discussed the client-server relationship last week. This week, we will focus on servers

Servers and Command Line interaction with servers

  1. Some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. We will then discuss operating systems and what they do
  3. We will introduce interacting with a server at the command line

This week we will practice interacting with a server using the terminal application on our laptops

  1. We will spend most of our time interacting at the command line
  2. We will put our newly found skills to use in Task 01d - creating a new directory on the server

Next week, we will consider NETWORKS - the protocols and structures that connect clients and servers

Monday, 02 September 2024 is a national holiday and a University Holiday

This week, we will focus on networks, the way clients and servers are connected together

Tuesday, 03 September 2004, is a Well Being Day and there will be no classes.

However, watch the presentation on networks to prepare yourself for this week's recitations

There are three web pages with background and detail on what is covered in the presentation on networks. They are worth a read.

  1. Some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. a discussion on networks and protocals
  3. a discussion on the internet - a network of networks

This week we will explore networks and protocols and add two more tools onto our laptops

  1. We will very lightly touch on some different protocols
    We may use the the traceroute (or tracert) command at the command line as a demonstration.
  2. We will add an SFTP tool to our laptops (this is Task 01e)
  3. We will be sure we have a good text editor as a coding platform for the next module (this is Task 01f)

Next week, we will begin the web development module, starting with the structural layer

Module 01 | Basics Tasks

Monday, 09 September 2024 at 2359

through Canvas

Next week, we will begin the web development module, starting with the structural layer

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Web Development | sessions 04-08

We will discuss the concept of the structural layer of web pages and do an introduction to HTML

The HyperTextMarkupLanguage and how it describes the "what" of web pages

  1. There will be some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. We will start with an overview HTML - its theory and syntax
  3. followed by a closer look at HTML tags,
  4. one specific tag the anchor tag (or, hyperlink),
  5. and some terminology

We will work on writing some basic code to make an initial web page for Task 02a

Our code will pass W3C HTML validation.

We discussed the structural layer this week

Next week we will discuss the presentational layer

Moving on in the web development module, we will now consider how things are to display - CSS

CSS - the presentational layer

  1. There will be some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. "Presentational" means the rules that define the visual aspects of how a web document is displayed on a computer monitor
  3. CSS - the cascading: A good way to get a feel for the different level of cascading presentational rules is to practice with them.

We will add three levels of style instructions to our task 02a page - Task 02b

Our code will again pass W3C HTML validation.

Having discussed the structural and presentational layers

next week, we'll discuss the behavioral layer

Monday, 23 September 2024, is a Well Being Day and there will be no classes. We will, however, have our normal lecture on Tuesday, 24 September 2024

We condidered HTML when we discussed the structural layer. We considered CSS when we discussed the presentational layer.
This week, we will consider dynamism when we use scripts, as we think about the behavioral layer.

Behavior guided by scripts

  1. Some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. we will discuss serverside scripts and explain why we cannot use them on Opal
  3. we will follow with a discussion on clientside scripts and discuss where they may be useful on our websites

We will add examples of both types of scripts to our task02b web page

And we may consider whether or not to use such examples on our task 02c web site

We have a basic understanding of structure, presentation, and behavior

Next week, we will discuss templates, editors, and images

One can either build a website by doing all the HTML and CSS coding, or one can use a template

and, using our understanding of HTML and CSS, we can modify a template to look like and work like something that represents us

We will look at options and think about adding images

  1. some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. a discussion on why templates and different sources for them
  3. your choice of editor depends on how you prefer to work
  4. working with images

Recitations will be work sessions

Start to learn the components of your templates

Design thinking - keep the user in the forefront of your thinking

Design thinking - keep the user in the forefront of your thinking

It's very easy to become caught up in the coding; we need to keep users and user interface design in the forefront of our thinking

  1. Some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. thinking about design
  3. accessible design

Keep working on refining your code

while remembering to keep the user(s) of the site in mind

Design thinking - keep the user in the forefront of your thinking

Module 02 | Web Development | completed website

Monday, 14 October 2024 at 2359

enter the URL for your completed web site in Canvas assignments

Next week, we will begin the document control module,
following the same general path we took though the levels of task 02

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Document Control | sessions 09-10

We will turn to documents this week and begin to use our module 02 skills to format a document for printing in task 03

This week, we will concentrate of the structure of a document

  1. Some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. thinking about markup languages
  3. controlling structural elements
  4. controlling presentational elements

Thursday and Friday, 17 and 18 October 2004, are Fall Break and there will be no classes.

Thus, there will be recitation sessions only on Wednesday. But they will be busy sessions. Everyone is invited to come to them.

  1. exercises to practice some of the page setup tools
  2. exercises to practice style creation and style modification tools
  3. exercises to practice adding structural elements to the text

It will be important to have our document set up this week, so we can modify it next week.

We will consider how to create our own styles,
and how to use the tools to make the document accord with the Honors Thesis Guidelines.

We don't want to have to use defaults for the look of our document. We will consider how to create our own styles.

Think about how you want your document to represent you in print, in look, in organization, in images

  1. Some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. thinking about our style choices
  3. create and use graphics in a document
  4. tying your heading styles to the table of contents tool can make your final product more useful
  5. understanding the why and how of indexes
  6. incorporating citations in a research paper

We will add three levels of style instructions to our task 02a page - Task 02b

Our code will again pass W3C HTML validation.

Having wrapped up the document control module, we will begin the data control module

Module 03 | Document Control | a thesis ready for printing and binding

Monday, 28 October 2024 at 2359

Store your two documents (one formatted to print out in letter size paper, the second formatted to print out in A4 size paper) in your UNC OneDrive space. Share the two files with your recitation instructor and use Canvas to tell your instructor that you have shared the files with them.

Next week, we will begin the data control module, and, while the tool is different,
we will find many of the things we have learned in modules 01, 02, and 03 will be again applicable

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Data Control | sessions 11-14

Excel ... is deemed by many software engineers to be the most consequential program ever written, in part because it has been so widely adopted.

This week, we will concentrate setting up a worksheet/book, by understanding basic underlying tools.

  1. Some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. Data displayed in an X/Y axis grid, with cells at each intersection of each row and column, each of them individually capable of being formatted.
  3. Formulas are mathematical statements that apply to a cell, or, through vectors, to a range of cells.
  4. Functions are built-in specialized algorithms

We will set up and start to modify our workbook in recitations.

  1. worksheet setup and formatting options
  2. how and why to set up a worksheet/book for printing
  3. Conditional formatting allows you to apply specific formatting to cells that meet certain criteria
  4. formulas and functions that pull data from a second worksheet/book to create new data

We will consider how to manage and adjust the data in our worksheets to aid in analysis

With our worksheets and workbooks set up for us to use well, we will consider how to manage the data for our purposes.

Sorting, filtering, pivoting

  1. Some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. sorting data helps you quickly visualize and understand your data better, organize and find the data that you want, and ultimately make more effective decisions
  3. filtered data displays only the rows that meet criteria that you specify and hides rows that you do not want displayed
  4. pivot tables are summaries of your data based on categories that you select

We will continue to modify our data sets to make them more useful for us

We will consider how to transform tabular data into a visualization of data

The visual display of quantitative information

We'll consider the why, theory, and history of visualization

  1. Some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. Thinking about the reasons and theory of data visualization
  3. using Excel to create charts

We will create two charts

  1. a chart that compares values to categories
  2. a chart that compares multiple values by multiple categories in individual stacks

We will become introduced to modeling data as an introduction to relational databases

As an introduction to relational databases, we will consider Entity Relationship Modeling and Structured Query Language terminology.

Relational databases start with data modeling

  1. Some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. a relational database is characterized by multiple tables, with relationships defined between the tables
  3. an entity-relationship model (ERM) is an abstract and conceptual representation of data
  4. Relationships connect entities across the database
  5. Structured Query Language is the standard means of manipulating and querying data in relational databases

We will practice SQL and use the rest of our time to finish our task 04 workbook

We will start our final module - creating and delivering a professional presentation

Module 04 | Data Control | a completed workbook

Monday, 25 November 2024 at 2359

Store your completed workbook in your UNC OneDrive space. Share the two files with your recitation instructor and use Canvas to tell your instructor that you have shared the file with them.

Next week, we will begin the presentation module, focusing on designing for the audience and delivering for impact.

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Presentations | sessions 15-16

Creating a professional, polished, productive presentation requires knowing the audience and knowing how to use the tools effectively

This week, we will concentrate of the design of visuals to accompany a presentation

  1. Some preparation to do before each week's lecture
  2. Why do we need or want to have a visual display behind us when we give a presentation?
  3. Manage your visual presence by realizing what the presentation tools can and cannot do for you

We won't have any recitation sessions this week because we will be on Thanksgiving Break.

But while being thankful, we might consider what to talk about.

We will consider how to present the well-designed presentation and its well-designed visuals.

Think about what you want to do, think about how people react to visual stimuli, think about how you manage your and their time.

Understanding the tool, the audience, and the venue

  1. Thoughts to consider when presenting
  2. Design your presentation to flow smoothly during delivery
  3. Plan to narrate and deliver your presentation

Wednesday is LDOC so we will have recitations only on Wednesday.

Everyone is invited to attend one of the Wednesday sessions.

Plan to watch and listen to your presentations during the final exam session for your recitation section.

Module 05 | Presentations | a professional presentation

According to the registrar ...

Examinations are scheduled according to the day and start time of the first meeting of the course each week and held in the regular assigned meeting room unless the instructor is otherwise notified. For example, a class meeting only on Wednesdays but beginning at 08:00 a.m. would still have their final exam on Tuesday, May 2 at 8:00 a.m.
Section Exam Day Exam Times For classes with this meeting start time during term Location
601 Thursday, 02 May 2024 0800-1100 0800 Mon/Wed/Fri Manning 0208
604 Thursday, 02 May 2024 1600-1900 1115 Mon/Wed/Fri Manning 0307
605 Thursday, 02 May 2024 1600-1900 1115 Mon/Wed/Fri Manning 0307
607 Friday, 03 May 2024 0800-1100 0800 Mon/Wed/Fri Manning 0208
603 Tuesday, 07 May 2024 1200-1500 1100 Tue/Thu Manning 0208
602 Thursday, 09 May 2024 0800-1100 0800 Tue/Thu Manning 0307
606 Thursday, 09 May 2024 1900-2200 Class times not otherwise provided for in the finals schedule On-line
608 Thursday, 09 May 2024 1900-2200 Class times not otherwise provided for in the finals schedule Manning 0208

Store your .pptx document in your UNC OneDrive space. Share the file with your recitation instructor and use Canvas to tell your instructor that you have shared the file with them.

Final Examination Schedule Fall 2024

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