INLS161-001 Fall 2024

Tools for Information Literacy

Task 01f: Install a text editor

Windows users

If you have a Windows laptop, it comes with a native text editor named Notepad. Notepad, however, is a tad limited. A better choice is to download Notepad ++. It is both useful and free.

However, there is yet a better choice.

Mac users

Macs come with a native text editor named TextEdit. It, however, tries to add tags to the tags you will write and that will mess up your web pages. Follow these instructions to change the default preferences so it will work for you as an HTML editor.

However, there is yet a better choice.
Visual Studio Code logo

Windows, Mac, or Linux

No matter your preferred OS, you might want to try Visual Studio Code. It, too, is both useful and free, and has features that make it a good platform for creating code.


See which one fits your working style better and stick with the one you select.

Task 01f: Install a text editor

When you have successfully installed it on your device, put a screenshot of the installation in your assignments space in Canvas to let us know that you have it.

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