final exam
Select one of the two sets of articles linked below and then create a report that uses the article for examples of the points you make.

- Espionage:Shaken and stirred
- Technology:Tinker, tailor, hacker, spy
- Governance:Standard operating procedure
- Edward Snowden:You’re US government property
- China and Russia:Happenstance and enemy action
- How to do better:The solace of the law
If you select this set of articles, discuss in your report the relevance of the points in the article to these topics we discussed in class:
- knowledge management
- organizational culture
- leadership and organizational decision making
- technology and information
- organizational ethics
Lifelong learning is becoming an economic imperative

- Lifelong learning is becoming an economic imperative
- Cognition switch:What employers can do to encourage their workers to retrain
- Old dogs, new tricks:How older employees perform in the workplace
- The return of the MOOC:Established education providers v new contenders
- Pathway dependency:Turning qualifications into jobs
- The elephant in the truck:Retraining low-skilled workers
If you select this set of articles, discuss in your report the relevance of the points in the article to these topics we discussed in class:
- knowledge sharing
- pros and cons of organizational cultures
- organizational memory
- technology and information
- organizational ethics
Should you have trouble reading the articles, you can also reach them via UNC Libraries.
Group Option
Zach suggested an interesting alternative final exam method.
Throughout the semester, several students have posted blog topics surrounding the company Uber (when just typing Uber into the search bar I get 23 results). These blog postings range from the very negative focus of the questionable ethics and sometimes downright illegal issues within the Uber organization, to more optimistic outlooks such as their technology innovations and future promises to change the world. It appears that Uber is becoming the New York Yankees of the big business world, you either love them or you hate them.
The groups task would be to utilize the previous postings in the class to begin a debate/discussion regarding whether the outrage and disgust with the Uber organization is warranted, or if perhaps the wonderful promising advances Uber strives to make is being overshadowed by somewhat dis-proportioned hate.
The group of four would divide the two sides evenly and have two people argue for Uber, and two people argue against Uber. The group should incorporate what we have learned about Organizational Structure, Leadership, Ethics, and Technology in their discussion. The report should be as long as it needs to be for each individual to argue their side, with an estimated length of the combined effort to be about the length of a solo project. The final product should indicate cohesion of a well formulated group discussion. The format, as long as following the above guidelines, is open to interpretation (back and forth discussion vs. one side followed by opposing side, etc). Pictures, diagrams, or other presentation pieces are welcome to help support the arguments.
This is a very interesting idea and I hope more than just the two who expressed interest in it join with Zach and Cami to give it a go.
Group Option Two
Jon and Kyle E. suggested yet another group option and, like the one above, it reflected both imagination and understanding.
They were told they could explore their idea if they wished, and I hope they do. If you are curious, you might ask them about it.
So we have four options.
Anyone taking any of the four will submit their report in class during the final exam period.