INLS161-001 | Spring 2018

Document Markup Task: Styles

Task 3.06

Create Primary text Style

Create a new style called Task03Content

based on the Normal style, with a sans-serif font of your choosing, 10 points, auto spacing before and after, single line spacing, and special first line indentation of .5 inches. This will be a style created for this document's use.

Task 3.07

Change all text to Primary text Style

Convert all text in the docment to Task03Content style

Task 3.08

Create a new Footnotes Style

Create a new style called Task03Footnotes based on the Task03Content style,

  1. with a serif font of your choosing
  2. 10 points
  3. auto spacing before and after
  4. single line spacing
  5. no first line indentation

Task 3.09

Modify the Title style

Modify the Title style to 16 point sans serif font of your choosing, black color, center alignment.

Task 3.10

Modify the Subtitle style

Modify the Subtitle style to serif font of your choosing, black color, center alignment. if you want to have your title or subtitle in a color other than black, you may do so, but tell me about it in a footnote.

Task 3.11

Format Title

On the first page of the document, format the words in the title in the Title style. If there is a subtitle, format it in the Subtitle style.

Video Tutorial for setting up basic styles; Life of the Bee (4:17 minutes)

Task 3.12

Format Chapter Headings

Format the name of each section that precedes the chapters of the document (such as Preface, Forward, etc. if the work has any) and the title of each chapter in Heading 2 style (these will be used later for the real table of contents). If you have any text sections that follow the chapters, format them in the same Heading 2 style. You will have multiple sections and chapter titles to format appropriately. You can productively use your CNTL+F tool here.

If your work also has chapter numbers, format each chapter number in Heading 1 style.

If your work has no chapter titles, format the chapter number in the Heading 2 style.

Video Tutorial for using the Navigation Pane; Life of the Bee (5:47 minutes)

Video Tutorial for setting up Heading 1 and Heading 2 styles; Life of the Bee (6:35 minutes)

Next Page: Sectioning your Document


Lawrence Jones

Office hours by appointment.