These are my class lesson plan notes. I have posted them here for your convenience. We may not get finished with these today.
All of these commands can be studied in more depth by reading the Server Session Preparation Materials or links on that page below the Task box.
GIT BASH prompt (BASH stands for Born Again SHell) _________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 4a | | | username@computername MINGW64 ~ $ | 5a MINGW64 is just the brand of the terminal, ignore it MacTerminal: 1 2 3 4a 5a | | | | | a) username@computername: ~ $ b) username@computername: / # | | 4b 5b 1 ) User Name 2 ) Computer Name 3 ) : specific to mac Terminal 4a) ~ means home (user) directory 4b) / means root directory 5a) $ means normal mode; normal permissions 5b) # your are logged in as root; dangerous! SYNTAX _________________________________________________________________________________ How syntax works (Expanded for ease of understanding): command applies to: directory | | cd ~/.ssh command applies to: filename applies to: new filename | | | mv index.html home.html (careful! This overwrites home.html if it exits) command applies to: filename applies to: existing directory (and current or new filename) || | | mv portrait.jpg images/portrait2.jpg COMMANDS _________________________________________________________________________________ pwd # see your present working directory touch (filename) # create a new file clear # clears the screen by moving it up, does not delete cd filename # change directory cd directoryname # will autocomplete to the change in file name up arrow # cycle through commands down arrow # cycle through commands cd .. # move up a directory cd / # move to the root directory cd ~ # go to the home directory cd - # go to the previous directory we just came from cd ../.. # move up two directories cd ~/.ssh # move into the user directory with a specific subdirectory ls # list files and directories ls -a # list all files including hidden files ls -l # list long format ls -la # list all files and in long format cp one two # copy mv # move and rename rm # remove file (delete) NO UNDO FOR THIS!!! won't remove a directory rm *.jpg # remove all files ending in .jpg rm -r # remove recursively. Use this to delete directory and contents mkdir # make a directory cat # see two or more files, or use it to just view one file (like our ssh public key) | # pipe command; runs more that one command at once > # used with the cat command to create one file out of two Example: cat file file2 > file3 EDITORS _________________________________________________________________________________ vi or vim # vim command line editor nano # nano command line editor more # see the link below less # see the link below head # see the link below tail # see the link below