SILS iSchool

27 AUG 2018

Value Added | daily

Class Schedule

Basics | sessions 01-05

22 AUG | intro

27 AUG | clients | Open Source | VPN | file transfer | SFTP | GitHub | next session

29 AUG | servers
05 Sep | networks
10 Sep | basics lab

Web Development | sessions 06-11

12 Sep | structural layer
17 Sep | presentational layer
19 Sep | working with layers
24 Sep | behavior layer
26 Sep | images & design
01 Oct | website lab

Document Markup | sessions 12-14

03 Oct | object layers
08 Oct | tools that read markup
10 Oct | document markup lab

Spreadsheets | sessions 15-19

15 Oct | spreadsheets
17 Oct | formulas & functions
22 Oct | data display
 18 Oct | Fall Break 
24 Oct | database tools
29 Oct | spreadsheets lab

Relational Database | sessions 20-26

31 Oct | relational databases
05 Nov | tables
07 Nov | relationships
12 Nov | input & output
14 Nov | SQL
19 Nov | complex queries
26 Nov | databases lab
 21 Nov | Thanksgiving 

Presentation | sessions 27-30

28 Nov | presentation design
03 Dec | presentation delivery
05 Dec | presentation lab
12 Dec | 0800-1100 | final in class presentation

Consider GitHub as an alternate way to experience the command line interface.

Dealing with a server of your own

But we have another alternative to using UNC servers for our work. We can have virtual server space on the GitHub servers as a place to try out things we want to do, especially in the following session.

Sign up for a GitHub account and log into CodeAnywhere


GitHub is a platform that allows for users to keep copies of their open source, plaintext repositories online, in a single centralized location. It also adds a social interaction layer to the process of managing version-controlled source files.

It is useful for (and used by) software development projects as well as other plaintext-based projects, such as collaborative authoring of books and articles.

It is particularly good for keeping track of projects that involve both plaintext source code or markup and files related to work that will be published using that code.

When you sign up for it, you can set up a repository locally

Please read about the basics of GitHub if you think you will be interested in using it.

Orsini, Lauren. “GitHub For Beginners: Don’t Get Scared, Get Started.” ReadWrite. Last modified September 30, 2013.
The article is a useful review resource.

You may also find this list of useful commands to be helpful


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