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22 | for nested

What it is is:

# This program averages test scores. It asks the user for the
# number of students and the number of test scores per student.

# Get the number of students.
num_students = int(input('How many students do you have? '))

# Get the number of test scores per student.
num_test_scores = int(input('How many test scores per student? '))

# Determine each students average test score.
for student in range(num_students):
# Initialize an accumulator for the test scores.
total = 0.0

# Display the student number.
print(f'Student number {student + 1}')

# Get the student's test scores.
for test_num in range(num_test_scores):
print(f'Test number {test_num + 1}', end='')
score = float(input(': '))

# Add the score to the accumulator.
total += score

# Calculate the average test score for this student.
average = total / num_test_scores

# Display the average.
print(f'The average for student number {student + 1} '
f'is: {average:.1f}')