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If statement math comparison

The only new concept is the if statement on line 22!

# This program gets three test scores and displays
# their average. It congratulates the user if the
# average is a high score.

# The high score variable holds the value that is
# considered a high score.

# Get the three test scores.
test1 = int(input('Enter the score for test 1: '))
test2 = int(input('Enter the score for test 2: '))
test3 = int(input('Enter the score for test 3: '))

# Calculate the average test score.
average = (test1 + test2 + test3) / 3

# Print the average.
print(f'The average score is {average}.')

# If the average is a high score,
# congratulate the user.
if average >= HIGH_SCORE:
print('That is a great average!')