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Computer Setup and Programming Introduction


Setting up your computer to work with a programming language is also known as "setting up your environment."

Installing Python

There are multiple options for installing Python on both Macintosh and Windows operating systems. INLS 560-003 students are encouraged to use the download option at

We will confirm whether or not you have Python 3 installed. If not, we will visit and download and install, or upgrade your version of Python 3. This link will work for both Windows or Mac Users.

python screen shot link

Need Slides?OSDetails
Windows SlidesWindowsIf you are a Windows user, don't attempt to check your Python version via the Command prompt or Powershell because you will be prompted to download the version from the Microsoft Store, even if you have downloaded and installed Python from After download and install, you will need to locate the python terminal app and run python from that app, not the Command Prompt or Powershell.
MacAfter you install from you will open your terminal app and type in python3 to verify installation.

Installing a Python IDE

The most popular IDE for editing Python files is Visual Studio Code.

I have read through multiple books and watched multiple online courses, and up-to-date sources (2023) uniformly use Visual Studio Code.

You can get it here for either Windows or Mac. After you download it, we will need to install the Python plugin files. I will also demonstrate PyCharm. I really like PyCharm but it is not open-source and it seems to run out of memory and then require memory setting changes. Therefore, I have decided to use Visual Studio Code. It would not hurt to download both and give each a try.

visual studio code link

Jupyter Notebooks

We will not be using Jupyter Notebooks. Please do not submit Jupyter notebook files for INLS 560 assignments.

Python Interpreter

We will start out on the command line with the python interpreter.

python command line

# Items we will do on Command Line Interface (CLI)

mac: open an terminal if you are on a mac and enter python3
Windows: open Python app and you will be ready to go


Pseudocode: informal language that is not meant to be compiled or executed

print hello world!

enter 8 + 4 to use the interpreter as a calculator

enter 8 / 0 to intentionally make an error

enter 8 / 3 to get a decimal number (float)

enter 5 // 2 to get a truncated remainder

enter: help() ----> will put you in help> utility

enter: keywords
enter: quit to leave help

enter help('keywords') for quick help on a topic and stay out of help> utility

help(keywords) will throw an error if you leave out quotation marks


Programming Introduction

Everything in this class that we will learn is keyed to the Gaddis text. These pages on this SILS class lesson site are notes and items related to the online book. For full text and extras for a section item, you simply need to log into the online book and find the section number. If you come back to notes page later, and you need more context, log into the online book and review that section.

gaddis 2.1

1.1 Overview

Link to 1.1 Section in Book

Key terms: program, programming, developer, coder, software, language, coding

1.2a Hardware

Key terms: hardware, components, CPU, memory, storage, RAM, SSD, drives, input device, output device

1.2b Software

Key terms: system software, application software, OS, utility program, application software.

1.3 Storing Data


All data that is stored in a computer is converted to sequences of 0s and 1s.

Key terms: binary data, bit: binary digit, bits, byte, bytes, binary number, switch metaphor, bit pattern, character, ASCII, Unicode, two's complement, floating-point notation, digital data, pixels

1.4 Computer Languages


A computer’s CPU can only understand instructions that are written in machine language. Because people find it very difficult to write entire programs in machine language, other programming languages have been invented.

Key terms: machine language(0101101), instruction set, fetch-decode-execute cycle, assembly language(mov, mul), assembler, low-level language, high-level language, key words or reserved words

Specific Languages

See Table 1-1 in the Gaddis Text for an overview of these languages. Follow any link for more in-depth information.

Ada, BASIC, Fortran, COBOL, PASCAL, C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Visual Basic

More Key terms: operators, syntax, statements, compiler, interpreter, source code, syntax error (humans understand syntax errors; compilers and interpreters do not)

1.5 Coding and Programming with Python

Python Key words

and, or, not, true, false, if, else, elif, del, from, None, as, global, nonlocal, try, assert, while, break, except, import, with, class, in, pass, yield, continue, finally, is, raise, def, for, lambda