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nested if-else math [>=]

What it is is:

# This program determines whether a bank customer
# qualifies for a loan.

MIN_SALARY = 30000.0 # The minimum annual salary
MIN_YEARS = 2 # The minimum years on the job

# Get the customer's annual salary.
salary = float(input('Enter your annual salary: '))

# Get the number of years on the current job.
years_on_job = int(input('Enter the number of ' +
'years employed: '))

# Determine whether the customer qualifies.
if salary >= MIN_SALARY:
if years_on_job >= MIN_YEARS:
print('You qualify for the loan.')
print(f'You must have been employed '
f'for at least {MIN_YEARS} '
f'years to qualify.')
print(f'You must earn at least $'
f'{MIN_SALARY:,.2f} '
f'per year to qualify.')