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02 | While > CONSTANT

What it is is:

# This program assists a technician in the process
# of checking a substance's temperature.

# Create a variable to represent the maximum
# temperature.
MAX_TEMP = 102.5

# Get the substance's temperature.
temperature = float(input("Enter the substance's Celsius temperature: "))

# As long as necessary, instruct the user to
# adjust the thermostat.
while temperature > MAX_TEMP:
print('The temperature is too high.')
print('Turn the thermostat down and wait')
print('5 minutes. Then take the temperature')
print('again and enter it.')
temperature = float(input('Enter the new Celsius temperature: '))

# Remind the user to check the temperature again
# in 15 minutes.
print('The temperature is acceptable.')
print('Check it again in 15 minutes.')