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18 | while property tax

What it is is:

# This program displays property taxes.

TAX_FACTOR = 0.0065 # Represents the tax factor.

# Get the first lot number.
print('Enter the property lot number or enter 0 to end.')
lot = int(input('Lot number: '))

# Continue processing as long as the user
# does not enter lot number 0.
while lot != 0:
# Get the property value.
value = float(input('Enter the property value: '))

# Calculate the property's tax.
tax = value * TAX_FACTOR

# Display the tax.
print(f'Property tax: ${tax:,.2f}')

# Get the next lot number.
print('Enter the next lot number or enter 0 to end.')
lot = int(input('Lot number: '))