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21 | While nested validation

What it is is:

# This program calculates retail prices.
MARK_UP = 2.5 # The markup percentage
another = 'y' # Variable to control the loop.

# Process one or more items.
while another == 'y' or another == 'Y':
# Get the item's wholesale cost.
wholesale = float(input("Enter the item's wholesale cost: "))

# Validate the wholesale cost.
while wholesale < 0:
print('ERROR: the cost cannot be negative.')
wholesale = float(input('Enter the correct ' +
'wholesale cost: '))

# Calculate the retail price.
retail = wholesale * MARK_UP

# Display the retail price.
print(f'Retail price: ${retail:,.2f}')

# Do this again?
another = input('Do you have another item? ' +
'(Enter y for yes): ')