SILS iSchool

13 August 2020

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Class Schedule

Basics | sessions 01-03
  1. 13 Aug intro and clients | lecture | labs
  2. 20 Aug servers and command line | lecture | labs
  3. 27 Aug networks and protocols | lecture | labs
Web Development | sessions 04-07

  1. 03 Sep structural layer | lecture | labs
  2. 10 Sep presentational layer | lecture | labs
  3. 17 Sep using a structure | lecture | labs
  4. 24 Sep behavioral layer | lecture | labs
Dealing with Markup | sessions 08-09
  1. 01 Oct control objects and display | lecture | labs
  2. 08 Oct tools that read markup | lecture | labs
Working with Data | sessions 10-13
  1. 15 Oct formulas, functions, vectors | lecture | labs
  2. 22 Oct data display | lecture | labs
  3. 29 Oct manipulate data sets | lecture | labs
  4. 05 Nov relational data bases | lecture | labs
Presentation | session 14
  1. 12 Nov designing and delivering a presentation | lecture | labs

Our first session will include a discussion about client-server relationships.
You might want to read these items to prepare yourself for session one.

Preparations for clients session

on pioneers

First, watch this video about Grace Hopper, one of the pioneers of the technologies we will use this semester.

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on clients

  1. How Operating Systems Work by Dave Coustan and Curt Franklin, How Stuff Works. Look especially at the distinction between single-user, multi-tasking and multi-user operating systems
  2. Introduction to Client Server Networks by Bradley Mitchell, Lifewire
  3. and at a discussion about file transfer protocol,

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on Open Source

read What does open source mean? in How Stuff Works. This is part of the next session's discussion of operating systems.

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13 August Lecture | preps | intro | clients | open source