Create an Author Form to populate the Author database
create a form that can be used to enter authors into the authors table
add a title to the Author form in its header (make the font size sufficiently large and distinctive)
you need to add any new authors with this form first, before you enter the new books via the book form (you will use the book data provided below, though you can add more if you wish)
Remember, the sole purpose for this form is to provide a method for someone to enter new author information into the Author table. Don't try to enter authors in the book table; however, you will select the authors that you have already entered when you enter the book data.
Create a Publisher Form to populate the Publisher database
create a form that can be used to enter publisher data into the publishers table
add a title to the Publisher form in its header (make the font size sufficiently large and distinctive)
add the new publishers in the data provided below, though you can add more if you wish
Remember, the sole purpose for this form is to provide a method for someone to enter new publisher information into the Publisher table.
Create a Book Form to populate the Book database.
This will be a bit more complex than the first two forms so use the Form Wizard to generate the form.
create a form that can be used to enter books into the books table
the form should include all of the fields from the Book table, except for the PK field
but, be sure to include a subform that shows the authors linked to that new book (this will allow you to create a new record in the Connection table)
remember, you must add books to the database before you can order them
add a title to the Book form in its header (make the font size sufficiently large and distinctive)
add the new books in the data provided below, though you can add more if you wish
This form has two purposes.
The main form is to provide a method for someone to enter new book information into the Book table.
The subform is to provide a method for someone to create a relationship between the book just entered into the Book table and an existing Author already in the Author table, through the medium of the AuthorFK in the Connection table. The subform creates a new connection between book and author(s) in the Connection table.
Create an Orders Form to record any new books we will purchase to add to this database.
This will incorporate fields from several tables into this one form, so again, use the Form Wizard to generate the form.
create a form that can be used to enter orders into the Orders table
the form should include all the fields from the Order table, including the ID (PK)arranged in way that makes sense in an order form
the form needs to include both the book name as well as the publisher name and mailing address
you need at least ten orders of which at least five should not yet have been delivered (no value in the received date field)
add a title to the orders form in its header (make the font size sufficiently large and distinctive)
This form is to provide a method for someone to order one or more copies of a book title that already exists in the Book table. Since it is an order form, it should have built into it ONLY the necessary information about the book title being ordered (look at the columns in the order table if you need confirmation), plus the address of the publisher to whom it will be sent.
This means the form should include the Book retail price field from the Book table, so the person using the form can determine the discount price.
General Appearance of Forms
Pay attention to the professional appearance of all forms. Make sure items in a column of the form are aligned.
Data to add to your database using your newly created forms
Here are some new books to add to your database by using your books form. You may add others, but you must add these.
Check to see if the publishers of these books are already in the Publisher table if they are not, add new publishers to the database in the Publisher form first
Check to see if the authors of these books are already in the Author table if they are not, add new authors to the database in the Author form first
Enter the new book to the database using the Book form the new Author record you created by using the Author form will appear in the subform when you do the next step
Finally, link the new book to the author(s), using the subform in the Book form the results of this action will create a record in the BookAuthorConnector form.
Le capital au XXIe siècle, by Thomas Piketty, Éditions du Seuil, 2013. French. HB501.P54 2013 Retail Price: $39.95
Books to order
You may order any titles that exist in your Book table, but be sure to create at least ten separate orders.
Five of the orders should have a delivery date included; five should not have a delivery date yet.
Don't restrict yourselves in your orders. Make them for large numbers of copies in each order, so that your queries will show large variances when you run them.