Most of these tasks will be demonstrated over all of the basics lectures. Be careful not to jump too far ahead if you are not exactly comfortable with what you are doing.
01.01 |
Login to the Class Blog and fill out the student intake form located there. I will add you to the blog a day or two before the first class. Make your first blog post and introduce yourself. |
Due 05/20/18 |
01.02 |
Sign up for two Newsletters; Choose another if you desire. Later, you will ftp these screen shots into your protected directory on the OPAL server. |
Due 05/20/18 |
01.03 | Set up Virtual Private Network Connection on your laptop download the Cisco AnyConnect VPN for Mac or Windows. You will ftp a screen shot of your installed VPN app named 01-vpn.png to your protected directory that you set up in Task 01.05. |
Due 05/20/18 |
01.04 | Set up SFTP client You will ftp a screen shot of your installed SFTP app 01-sftp.png to your protected directory that you set up in Task 01.05. |
Due 05/20/18 |
01.05 |
Password Protect a Directory This will be the directory where you store your tasks. The most obvious name would be tasks with lowercase "t". But you can name it anything you like. Make sure to email me the directory name you use and a send me your log in name the password. my tasks file example |
Due 05/20/18 |
01.06 | Complete the Linux Exercise and email your bash history to me | Due 05/20/18 |