Class Session: Thursday Jan 01, 1970
For the image component, read from Learning web design : a beginner's guide to HTML, CSS, Javascript, and web graphics, 4th Edition. Chapter 7. Adding Images
For the design component, think first about accessibility by looking over Designing for Inclusion by the W3C.
And then, in the Web Style Guide by Patrick Lynch and Sarah Horton glance over Chapter 4, Interface Design
I know that the public_html directory concept is confusing. There are still some of you that are not getting this. The email that you send to me as regarding your 02.01d task should end at the directory level like this: Then when I click it, I will see your index.html file content, but I will not see the URL in the URL bar. But it is there!When I click the home button, I should then see your index.html file in the URL bar.
In this session we will learn about UX Design and how to integrate images into your site.
Designing websites that are accessible to special-needs populations can be a very tedious process. We will look at some ready-made frameworks that have already integrated accessibility code.
The two most popular CSS javascript frameworks are
Need to identify a font? Try Font Matcher
Both of these accessibility pages have additional links to sites where you can learn more about web accessibility issues.
We will look at some of the code that I have used for various website design. I will provide snippets and links on my GitHub account and my Carolina Source Control account. We will also look at some CSS frameworks that give you a major boost in developing sites with custom colors and image containers.
Designing websites that are accesible to special-needs populations can be a very tedious process. We will look at some ready-made frameworks that have already integrated accessibilty code.
The two most popular CSS javascript frameworks are Foundation and Bootstrap.
Which of these two is a better bet for accesibility?
We will continue to work on our sites in this class.