Tasks due by 11:59 p.m. on due date.
2.1 | Gitclone, fork, or download the 2.1 Starter theme and do the 13 steps. Wait to start on this until after the first HTML class, and it is okay to wait until after the CSS class. If you are going to use the 2.1 Starter theme, this will satisfy your hard coded page requirements and it will give you clear directions to flesh out your final project. However, if you find a good theme that you like, you may find that more to your liking. You will have a better idea of how to proceed after completing the first two classes. The README.md file that goes with this theme has a lot of helpful links and examples which will help you make the most of this template. |
do this a soon as you can after the CSS class |
2.2 | Regardless of your theme choice, you must complete all of the tasks detailed below which are also detailed in the Grade sheet. A good success strategy is to highlight each row in the spreadsheet after you have completed the task. The information below is keyed to the grade sheet by task number [02.01] or [02.02] + a letter [a],[b],[c] etc. |
due 05/29 |
2.3 | Common Problems when trying to finish this project |
The instructor needs to see that you can make basic edits and get a test site up on opal
page with 02.01 themeLink to the CSS stylesheets in your 02.01 template directory
If you have an index.html
page in your public_html
directory root, it will hide all of your directories, so you will not be able to see any directories in there from a browser view. Rename it or delete it, so I can see your directories, for now. To repeat, Any index.html or index.php file will take over the directory and the web browser will not show the files or folders in that directory. For the purposes of teaching this class, that is what I want you to do, but that is not best practice when you do post a final project to a public_html directory.
At the end of this class, you may move your website into the public html directory and let the index.html serve up your home page for that directory, if you wish. (You will have access to your opal account until you graduate from UNC.)
So do follow the best-practice rule for your web directory versions: always use an index.html for your home page.
Send the instructor an email note with the full URL for the site. This will load the index.html page in the root of the directory (see above). Instructor should be able to click link in the email to view page. Example: http://opal.il.unc.edu/~onyen/task-02.01 (obviously onyen
will not work; you will have to provide the link to your account.)
free theme sites where you can search for a responsive theme:
. Do not name it home.html
At a minimum, your home page needs to meet W3C validation for HTML and for CSS. It must validate in order to get any points for this component. If it does not validate, the W3C tool will point out the line of code where the invalid code is located. This is an all or nothing grade. One wrong character will drop a high A grade to an A-. You are allowed to fix this after the project is graded, so don't tie yourself up with worry over this.
The final version of Home Page should validate here: https://validator.w3.org/. Click your home page menu link and copy that link that is in the URL bar. Then paste the copied link in the at the validator service where it asks for the Address:
The validator needs an actual file ending in .html
so use this:
https://opal.ils.unc.edu/~onyen/website-final/index.html ✅
Don't use this:
https://opal.ils.unc.edu/~onyen/website-final/ ❌
(This applies to the CSS validator, too.)
The final version of index.html page CSS should validate here:https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
If the validation fails due to a problem with the theme, or the theme css, or a code problem with a cut and paste, it will not count against you. This will apply only to your coding. This will be obvious when you check it, as it will point out the error. Validation warnings are not a problem.
Spaces and Naming
In general, do not allow your page titles or directory titles to contain spaces. Use linux naming conventions. Use lowercase and hyphens. Rename
My image.PNG
.Watch out for the fact that the file extensions may be hidden from you on your laptop; so, you might see this after you post to OPAL:
my-image.PNG.pngIf this is the case, then you will need to correct/confirm both your file name and the link (to that file) in your html page. These problems are not all or nothing, but I will expect you to fix them for full credit for this Structural grading section.
Add a date updated on each page. Build this out from the template, or use global search and replace. This is javascript, but it is cut and paste, so it does not fulfill the javascript requirement.(see below)
<p> <script> document.write("Page last updated on " + document.lastModified); </script> </p>
Ensure there is a way to contact the person responsible for the web site on your home page.
Your email address should not be retrievable by a web crawler. You should obfuscate your email address. You may use this email riddler service to obfuscate the email address, or some other strategy. If you decide to use a contact page you can put your email address there or use a form.
If you create a contact form, it will not be possible to use the contact from from opal.
If the link is harvestable, you will receive 80% for this component.
If you choose to use a contact form, you may have to include your email in your hard code. This task may also be javascript, it does not count towards your javascript example
Create a relative link to a resume that is stored in your root folder. Put your link to the résumé on the home page or the about page. Put your resume in your root folder so that you can simply link to it like this:
<a href="resume.pdf">Download my Résumé</a>
Do not put any diacritical marks on your file name, but you may do so on your inner html (see above example). The information on it may be real or imaginary, but it needs to be somewhat professional. The page needs to include a link to a pdf version of an on-line résumé. Again, the information on the résumé may be real or imaginary, but it needs to be somewhat professional. If your résumé is in either HTML or a proprietary format, you will receive 70% for this component. If your résumé is in PDF format, you will receive 100%."
Create a second level Interests page that lists areas of personal interests. This second level page should incorporate an ordered list of the 10 books you’d take with you if you were marooned on a desert island, but you can expand the interests page as a palate to place anything you want on it.
All of your navigation links should be relative links and your resume link is a relative link, so you already have some relative links. Next, you are going to copy and paste some relative links on your INLS 161 class web page. It is not critical that you understand the full scope of this section by the web development due date, but do try to read it over. At the minimum, get the first code block copy and pasted.
This section might be considered the fulcrum of your INLS 161 experience. It brings together a lot of key concepts we cover in this class, and we will be revisiting this section four more times before the end of the course. It might seem overwhelming, but once you get it down, you will have learned how to bring together a lot of complex layers that all must work together. Leaving out any part will cause the system to breakdown.
For everything to work, you must leverage a different layer:
I will make this fairly easy by giving you the code you need, so you do not have to code it yourself.
Copy and paste theul
list of relative links to your INLS 161 page on your website. These links will eventually point to the projects in the protected tasks directory (which is on your server, so they should not be absolute links). When they are clicked, the user (the instructor) will be prompted to enter the login and password. After entering the login information, the file should automatically download to the instructor's computer. This folder is outside of your website folder. It is also in the public_html folder, so you have to put two dots ../tasks
before the directory name so that the browser knows to look for the directory above the current directory.
Here is the code block that you should cut and paste into your INLS 161 page (select all the code, even the comment data):
<!-- these are not posted yet, so none of this code will be visible on your site after you pasted it. ############### <ul class="text-center"> <li><a href="../tasks/03-lastname.firstname.docx">Task 03 Word Project</a></li> <li><a href="../tasks/04-lastname.firstname.xlsx">Task 04 Spreadsheet Project</a></li> <li><a href="../tasks/05-lastname.firstname.accdb">Task 05 Access Project</a></li> <li><a href="../tasks/06-lastname.firstname.pptx">Task 06 Powerpoint Project</a></li> </ul> ############### -->
When you post your first project, comment out the code so only the first project file is visible. See the example below:
<ul class="text-center"> <li><a href="../tasks/03-lastname.firstname.docx">Task 03 Word Project</a></li> <!-- these below are not posted yet, but the one above is, so it is not in a multi-line comment block. ############### <li><a href="../tasks/04-lastname.firstname.xlsx">Task 04 Spreadsheet Project</a></li> <li><a href="../tasks/05-lastname.firstname.accdb">Task 05 Access Project</a></li> <li><a href="../tasks/06-lastname.firstname.pptx">Task 06 Powerpoint Project</a></li> ############### The ul tag must not be in the comment block after you post your first project. So it is not in the comment block. --> </ul>
As you add projects for the remainder of the course, your need only move the top comment down to reveal the next link. Leave the previous links visible; don't comment them out. Notice that the bottom </ul>
must not be commented out on the first posting. It will stay that way until the end of the course.
Do not change the commenting until after you have posted the project for final grading. You should test the link and make sure it works.
This is similar to the following scenario: A future employer asks you to post a sensitive project for an important client and make a workable link. He expects you to keep it secure and make it so the client can get it with a user name and password.
Put absolute links on all of your class subpages that link to the home pages for each class you are taking so that you can always find the bookmark for your class pages. If your class does not have a home page, then you can create some absolute links on your interests page(s), or about page(s) or home page. Make at least one of your absolute reference links open in a new page. (use the target="_blank"
Write out the full URL including the http protocol http://
. The class web page is on RUBY and your site is on OPAL, so these are different servers, even though they might be in the same room on campus.
You must have real content in this site. It does not have to be a lot of content, but it needs to be "finished." No *lorem ipsum* text or any other type of placeholder text should be in your final site. You may use *lorem ipsum* text during the development phase. Every page should at least have one h1 tag and one p tag. Having blank pages on your site, or having pages on your site with placeholder images, or text, will prevent you from getting 100 percent on your content grade.
You should use at least two complementary Google fonts in your site. This will require you to connect to the Google server in the <head></head>
element of each page that has the font (should be all of them for consistency)
Therefore, add two Google font links in the head of each page. (It is possible to get the code for two fonts in one line of code.) Place the google font code in your CSS file. The link the head is like plugging in a TV: it has the potential to be turned on. The code in the CSS tells the browser where, specifically to use the font. For example, if you want all of your h1 tags in one font, you put the code for that font in the brackets for the h1 tag. Do the same for the other font for other tags. This will be demonstrated in class.
The Other two required javascript elements (obfuscated email and page update) do not count towards this task because they are dead simple cut and paste actions.
However, you may find that the javascript that you find might be just as easy.
Find a simple javascript example from the web and incorporated it into your site. Document where to find it in a README.md file at the root level of your site.
If you are using the 02.01 Theme, you will already have a README.md file. If you are dragging and dropping your entire folder into OPAL, it is going along with the ride. You may add your documentation to the top of that file and leave the other data in there, or you can delete the data and put your documentation there, or you can delete the entire file and add a new one. If you are using a different theme that you found online, you may already have a README.md file. Do the same. If your theme does not have one, then create one.
Here are a few links to help you find something:
The home page loads quickly and does not require scrolling right or left. Home page must include an image or graphic. Site must have a minimum of 4 nav bar level pages and 4 sub level pages. Can be 1 nav bar page with 4 subpages or 1 nav bar page with 2 subpages plus 1 nav bar page with 2 subpages. Can be more. Four total is the minimum.
The formatting from page to page is consistent. You should have some images on other pages in the rest of the site. If you use the 2.1 theme, change the background color and the active link background color from the default. This will be demonstrated in class.
Home page should have links to all second level pages (home should be shown on same level as secondary pages, but must be in left-most position, if using horizontal navigation bar.
Second level pages should have links to the home page, to other second level pages, and to any third level pages directly below them
Third level pages should should have links to the home page, to their parent second level page, and to other third level pages in their subgroup