Document Markup Task: Sectioning

Macintosh help for Sectioning and Images

Task 3.13

Insert Section Breaks

Insert appropriate section breaks so that each separate element of the work (preface, chapters, endnotes, if any) starts on new page. (Use your document map and your keyboard shortcuts to speed the process).

Video Tutorial for help on inserting Section Breaks; Life of the Bee (3:35 minutes)

Task 3.14

Delete Table of Contents

If your downloaded book has a table of contents included in it, delete it because you will replace it with a new Table of Contents.

Video Tutorial for help on deleting the Table of Contents; Life of the Bee (56 seconds)

Task 3.15

Create Page for Table of contents

After the title page and prior to the first section of the book, add a section break that will make the following page start on new page between the title page and the first chapter and put the words "Table of Contents" formatted as a Heading 3 atop this page. Do not try to create your table of contents yet!

Video Tutorial for creating a placeholder page for Table of Contents; Life of the Bee (2:14 minutes)

Next Page: Working with Images in your Document


Lawrence Jones

Office hours by appointment.