Document Markup Task: Images

Macintosh help for Sectioning and Images

Task 3.16

Insert Break on Title Page

On the title page, insert a page break after the last text on the page.

Task 3.17

Find Author Image

Find an image of the author of your work and insert it on this new page just created by the page break.

If you can't find an actual image, use an image of any person on this page.

Task 3.18

Format the image

Format the image to wrap top and bottom, with picture position horizontal alignment centered relative to the page.

Video Tutorial for help with setting up the Author Image; Life of the Bee (3:48 minutes)

Task 3.19

Create a Logo

Using any combination of drawing objects, insert them into the last full page of your document and then group them together into a new single object to create a logo representing your notional publishing company. Wrap the image tight with a horizontal alignment centered relative to column.

Video Tutorial for help with creating the logo Image; Life of the Bee (5:14 minutes)

Next Page: Set up Headers and References


Lawrence Jones

Office hours by appointment.