School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


INLS 237 - Spring 1999 - 9:30 - 10:45 am Mondays and Wednesdays




Feb. 20    For class today, we will work in your newly formed groups (see Group Led Class Exercise for the composition of the groups. We are going to do some quick case studies using information from the web sites of three organizations:, Microsoft, and the Internet Public Library.

Please go to the "About ..." section of the site. On Amazon it's at the bottom of the page; on Microsoft it's an option at the top, and on the IPL site it's at the bottom. We will go to the lab for this exercise and commandeer some machines -- I'll try to reserve six so that each group can have two with enough chairs so two people can work around each machine. I would ask you to exercise these sites, not just the "about" but other related materials, such as mission statements, press releases, investor relations materials, what you think is relevant. Then go to Evelyn's notes for a link to some Case Study Analysis questions. We will spend most of the material. Plan to report briefly to the class at the beginning of the Wednesday, Feb. 23 class.

Jan.29, 2000   "The best laid plans ..." By the time we meet, hopefully on Monday, much time will have flown by. I have adjusted the schedule (making the corrections you gave me last week and re-fitting class material. I will work on the due dates for the assignment and slip them forward a bit as well.

For Monday's class, please have read Chapter 2. I'd also like you to have done the comment task described below. I've worked on the web resource links page as well. Please check it out.

Jan. 24, 2000   By Wednesday this week, I'd like you to be sure to read all the entries by your fellow students in "Getting to Know You" on the Discussion Board. Pick two of your colleagues and send them a follow-up note (I've given you some examples with my comments). Remember your note is both to the person you are replying to but also to the rest of the class as well. It would be good if you did this by Wednesday, Jan. 26.

So far, I'm the only one posting anything on the possible projects list. Any other ideas? We'll spend a good part of the period today discussing possible projects and possible match-ups.

We'll also discuss first chapter (introductory) material in text.

Jan. 12, 2000    Welcome to the marketing course. I hope we all can learn and have fun doing it during the semester.

I will be in San Antonio for the first day of class attending an ALISE (Association for Library and Information Science Education) conference but will be back for the 2nd class session scheduled for Wednesday, January 19, 2000 (Monday, the 17th is a holiday - Martin Luther King day).

Before coming to class on Wednesday,the 19th, please

  • look through the syllabus,
  • buy the book,
  • do the first (ungraded) assignment,
  • tell a bit about yourself on the Discussion Board (once you figure out how to access it) AND
  • check off your preferences on a Teaching/Learning Preference Form

Wow! Am I asking a lot of you? If you don't get it all done, you'll be able to catch up easily. The Teaching/Learning Preference Form is a new innovation I just created. It may or may not work well. I'd appreciate your trying it; we can discuss it in our first class session.

I look forward to seeing you next week.