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32 | Rectangle area function

What it is is:

# The area function accepts a rectangle's width and
# length as arguments and returns the rectangle's area.
def area(width, length):
return width * length

# The perimeter function accepts a rectangle's width
# and length as arguments and returns the rectangle's
# perimeter.
def perimeter(width, length):
return 2 * (width + length)

# The main function is used to test the other functions.
def main():
width = float(input("Enter the rectangle's width: "))
length = float(input("Enter the rectangle's length: "))
print('The area is', area(width, length))
print('The perimeter is', perimeter(width, length))

# Call the main function ONLY if the file is being run as
# a standalone program.
if __name__ == '__main__':