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07 | Main and two more functions

What it is is:

# This program converts cups to fluid ounces.

def main():
# display the intro screen.
# Get the number of cups.
cups_needed = int(input('Enter the number of cups: '))
# Convert the cups to ounces.

# The intro function displays an introductory screen.
def intro():
print('This program converts measurements')
print('in cups to fluid ounces. For your')
print('reference the formula is:')
print(' 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces')

# The cups_to_ounces function accepts a number of
# cups and displays the equivalent number of ounces.
def cups_to_ounces(cups):
ounces = cups * 8
print(f'That converts to {ounces} ounces.')

# Call the main function.