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25 | Sales rep commission

What it is is:

# This program calculates a salesperson's pay
# at Make Your Own Music.
def main():
# Get the amount of sales.
sales = get_sales()

# Get the amount of advanced pay.
advanced_pay = get_advanced_pay()

# Determine the commission rate.
comm_rate = determine_comm_rate(sales)

# Calculate the pay.
pay = sales * comm_rate - advanced_pay

# Display the amount of pay.
print(f'The pay is ${pay:,.2f}.')

# Determine whether the pay is negative.
if pay < 0:
print('The salesperson must reimburse')
print('the company.')

# The get_sales function gets a salesperson's
# monthly sales from the user and returns that value.
def get_sales():
# Get the amount of monthly sales.
monthly_sales = float(input('Enter the monthly sales: '))

# Return the amount entered.
return monthly_sales

# The get_advanced_pay function gets the amount of
# advanced pay given to the salesperson and returns
# that amount.
def get_advanced_pay():
# Get the amount of advanced pay.
print('Enter the amount of advanced pay, or')
print('enter 0 if no advanced pay was given.')
advanced = float(input('Advanced pay: '))

# Return the amount entered.
return advanced

# The determine_comm_rate function accepts the
# amount of sales as an argument and returns the
# applicable commission rate.
def determine_comm_rate(sales):
# Determine the commission rate.
if sales < 10000.00:
rate = 0.10
elif sales >= 10000 and sales <= 14999.99:
rate = 0.12
elif sales >= 15000 and sales <= 17999.99:
rate = 0.14
elif sales >= 18000 and sales <= 21999.99:
rate = 0.16
rate = 0.18

# Return the commission rate.
return rate

# Call the main function