SILS iSchool

08 Nov 2018

Value Added | daily

Class Schedule

Basics | sessions 01-05

21 Aug | intro
23 Aug | clients
28 Aug | servers
30 Aug | networks
04 Sep | basics lab

Web Development | sessions 06-11

06 Sep | structural layer
11 Sep | presentational layer
18 Sep | working with layers
20 Sep | behavior layer
25 Sep | images & design
27 Sep | website lab

Document Markup | sessions 12-14

02 Oct | object layers
02 Oct | graphics
09 Oct | document markup lab

Spreadsheets | sessions 15-19

11 Oct | spreadsheets, formulas & functions
16 Oct | thoughts about data display
 18 Oct  | Fall Break 
23 Oct | database tools
25 Oct | spreadsheets lab

Relational Database | sessions 20-26

30 Oct | relational databases
01 Nov | tables
06 Nov | relationships

08 Nov | forms for input | Task 05.03 | reports for output | Task 05.04 | next session

13 Nov | SQL
15 Nov | complex queries
20 Nov | databases lab
 22 Nov | Thanksgiving 

Presentation | sessions 27-30

27 Nov | presentation design
29 Nov | presentation delivery
04 Dec | presentation lab
13 Dec | 0800-1100 | final in class presentation

Reports allow you to create paper products that are the result of a restructuring of the underlying database.

What is a Report?

Access Guide to Designing Reports Help

You can build reports that pull data from several tables and present that manipulated data as a paper product.

It's a way to retrieve and present selected information stored in your database in a format that will be printed rather than viewed on a computer monitor.

  • requires some thought about composition, about how they will look to the report user
  • can be based on either a table or a query
  • can combine text, data, pictures, lines, boxes, graphs, nd drawings to design exactly the output you need

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Why use Reports?

Reports provide a snapshot of your database (or a part of your database) each time a report is generated. A well-designed report can be used over and over.

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Generating Reports: Auto Report

If you want to create a simple report that is a duplicate of a particular table or (more likely) a simple select query, create a report based on that table.

simple report

You then will see what the printed report will look like, but it might have taken some formatting work in the design view to make this happen.

report design view

If you want to modify the report's appearance, you may do it in the WYSIWYG design view or you may choose to be more precise and exact by working within the report object's properties.

design object properties

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Generating Reports using the Reports Wizard

select the Wizard

report wizard

Using the Wizard dialog boxes, you can combine data from multiple tables and/or queries into a report. If you do use multiple tables/queries in the report, the Wizard will ask you to select the primary item on which the report will be based ...

sorting in the report wizard

... and will ask you how you want the data grouped below the primary item ...

grouping in the report wizard

... and decide how to display the data in the sections of the report.

If the data can be manipulated by some sort of math operator, you will have the opportunity to perform summary operation in the form by selecting the appropriate option ...

summarizing in the report wizard

... which will insert selected functions into the design.

summary options

It will then guide you through setting up the display properties ...

layout in the report wizard

... and then carry you through the print view ...

report print preview

... from which you can alter the appearance by using the design view.

working in the design view

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Report Components

Report Header

what appears at the top of the report
includes the title

report components

Page Header

what appears at the top of each page in the report
similar to showing the column headings on each page of an Excel printout

Group Header(s)

if the report is grouped, what appears atop each grouping of data


where the data from the tables/queries will appear

Page Footer

what appears at the bottom of each page

Report Footer

what appears on the last page of the report

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Modifying Reports

You can add new components and functions to reports

see this short PPT show for one tool you need to have

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