SILS iSchool

23 Aug 2018

Value Added | daily

Class Schedule

Basics | sessions 01-05

21 Aug | intro

23 Aug | clients | Open Source | VPN | file transfer | SFTP | GitHub | next session

28 Aug | servers
30 Aug | networks
04 Sep | basics lab

Web Development | sessions 06-11

06 Sep | structural layer
11 Sep | presentational layer
18 Sep | working with layers
20 Sep | behavior layer
25 Sep | images & design
27 Sep | website lab

Document Markup | sessions 12-14

02 Oct | object layers
04 Oct | tools that read markup
09 Oct | document markup lab

Spreadsheets | sessions 15-19

11 Oct | spreadsheets, formulas & functions
16 Oct | data display
 18 Oct | Fall Break 
23 Oct | database tools
25 Oct | spreadsheets lab

Relational Database | sessions 20-26

30 Oct | relational databases
01 Nov | tables
06 Nov | relationships
08 Nov | input & output
13 Nov | SQL
15 Nov | complex queries
20 Nov | databases lab
 22 Nov | Thanksgiving 

Presentation | sessions 27-30

27 Nov | presentation design
29 Nov | presentation delivery
04 Dec | presentation lab
13 Dec | 0800-1100 | final in class presentation

Use a File Transfer Protocol tool to move files
from your client to a server and from a server to your client.

Another tool we need on our laptops is a file transfer program

Using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to manage your files

FTP requires two computers, one running an FTP server, the other running an FTP client. The exchange is initiated by the client which logs in under an accepted user name and password. Once this occurs, a session is opened and stays open until closed by either the client or the server, or until it times out. While the session is open, the client may execute numerous FTP commands on the server. These include commands to change directories, list files, get files and put files.

You have access to servers which provide storage space for some of your data. These may be, among others, normal data files or HTML files that support web pages.

You may hear both the terms FTP and SFTP.
The difference is in the level of security each type of connection affords.
We will be using the SFTP capability exclusively.

If you are associated with SILS,
you can use your Onyen login to access storage on SILS servers.

Use of these servers will necessitate your instructor arranging for you to obtain a SILS account. But to use them, you must have an SFTP client on your personal computer.

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Mac users

You have many choices. Fetch, Cyberduck, or Filezilla are all good FTP clients to use in a Mac to server environment.

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Linux users

You can use one of several SFTP tools to manage your files. Note that Filezilla is also recommended for Linux users.

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Windows users

Filezilla is also a player here, but the recommendation is to use the SSH/SFTP Secure Shell Client. This tool provides you both a terminal (we'll discuss it in the next session) as well as an SFTP capability. ITS shows how to use SSH/SFTP to manage your files, but replace all references to with

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We will use SSH/SFTP for in-class examples.

If you need to transfer files from the client computer you are using to the server, or from the server to the client computer, you will need to use an FTP client. Assuming you use SSH/SFTP, start the program and connect to The resultant window displays a telnet connection, but you will want to select the File Transfer Window.

Fetch behaves nearly the same

If you need to transfer files from the client computer you are using to the server, or from the server to the client computer, you will need to use an SFTP client. Assuming you use Fetch, start the program and connect to using your Onyen and password. It is important that you select SFTP (Secure FTP) during this step.

Fetch terminal window with log-in prompt

In the following window, open the folder marked public_html. From here, you can click and drag files and folders into the Fetch window to transfer them onto the ITS server. (Alternatively, you can use the "Put" button in the menu bar.)

Fetch menu bar

If you choose to use Cyberduck, the protocol is very similar: Choose "Open Connection" from the menu bar, select SFTP, and connect to

Remember that when you upload to or download from the server,
you are only transferring copies of the original files.
This is an excellent way to manage files on your remote site.

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