Hard code a basic web page

Task 02.01
Task 02.01 is to create an initial hard-coded homepage, a page we will use in class to practice other skills. Use a basic text editor and type in the text on the tags page of the HTML session class notes.
Create a folder on your computer and name it "Task_2.1", then save the file as index.html in the folder you just created so that it will display as the first page in that directory. This may be the basis of your fuller task 02 website, but it does not have to be. You may wish to use this hard-coded page solely for HTML practice in class, but create a totally individualized, fuller, multi-level personal web site according the specs below.
FTP the entire "Task_2.1" folder to your public_html space by 2359 on day before the CSS session, and tell me to look at it via an email which gives me the URL to use. This Task component is required just to compel you to try out hard coding.