There will be readings for each session, but they are not readings for memorization. Lectures will not necessarily follow the readings, and they might not even touch on all of the content in the readings. The purpose of the readings is to provide you a context within which to experience the lectures and exercises that follow. You will want to do the readings to have a framework within which to work.
Web development readings

Most of the readings for this course will be available online, and to prepare for sessions, you will be directed to sections of Learning web design : a beginner's guide to HTML, CSS, Javascript, and web graphics , 4th Edition.
This book is available for free to UNC students through Safari Books Online, but it is a great reference tool and should be part of your professional bookshelf.
Recommended Text

If you feel that you want to have an HTML reference book, you may wish to purchase
Castro, E., Hyslop, B., & Castro, E. (2012).
HTML5 and CSS3: Visual quickstart guide.
, 7rd Edition.
Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press.
You can survive without this book, but if you prefer a physical book, you would be well advised to purchase it and use it extensively.
Other online readings
We will use other Safari Books Online for readings on servers, web development, document markup, spreadsheets, relational databases, and presentations.
Session notes
These will include links to a variety of additional resources, to more fully explain or expand on topics discussed in the notes. Some of the linked sources may include:
- online documentation from UNC's Information Technology Services (especially the help link),
- other information sources available via the Web,
- or readings that will be sent to you as email attachments or as blog posts.
Pay attention to the schedule and to the class blog. Session notes will be posted prior to each class and you would do well to look over the links prior to coming to class. If there is something that you should read prior to class, it will be included on the session notes for the session prior to the class you will be preparing for.