Review the main points

  • organizations are complex systems made up of many individuals and each individual within an organization contributes their identity and decisions to the organization's overall identity and impact
  • understanding the theoretical bases for organizational culture, structure, and leadership empower individuals to be more effective within an organization and within their professional lives
  • an organization's culture, structure, and leadership impacts the choices it makes and the kind of organization it tries to be
  • technology has provided improved tools for organizations to use as they engage with information
  • information technology professionals are in high demand, but they bear a significant responsibility to behave ethically in their personal and organizational lives
  • unethical organizational behavior, intentional or inadvertant, carried out by individuals, intentionally or inadvertantly, brings signficant risk to public health and safety

things we'll talk about

  • what other things did we learn about how organizations operate?
  • what do organizations depend on to be successful and effective? and can they be one without the other?
  • how can we guage an organization's effectiveness?
  • how does technology contribute to an organization's effectiveness? what kinds of technology specifically do this?
  • how can you all contribute to this effectiveness?

After our discussion, there are two evaluation forms...

The Carolina Course Evaluation will be completed online.

You should have received an email telling you that you can fill our your Carolina Course Evaluation online. It is a set of 30 closed-ended questions. You may complete this form at your leisure, but it would also be very appropriate for you to complete it in class on the last scheduled session. The CCE results are used for promotion decisions within the School.

For SILS courses, you have three extra questions to answer online as well.

  1. The instructor's command of the subject matter was excellent
  2. My interest in the subject has increased
  3. The pace at which the instructor covered the material was appropriate

Comments written on the Carolina Course Evaluation form will be shared with the instructor and those involved in evaluation of teaching at SILS. are intended to provide some fine-grained feedback to the instructor on how to improve the course.

The university’s course evaluation forms are collected by the university and a report is available to each faculty member (for their own courses) and to the SILS administration. The associate dean conducts a quick review of these reports, with special attention to the adjunct instructors and teaching fellows. The associate dean also tries to watch for particularly excellent teaching ratings and those that might warrant some additional coaching.

The university’s course evaluation forms are also included in a faculty member’s dossier when being considered for reappointment, tenure and promotion. Thus, it is particularly important that we have responses from ALL students on these evaluation forms.

The second part is a SILS open ended question form which is now available online.

Here is the link to the (secure, anonymous) SILS course evaluation. Please fill out the survey once for every SILS course you are taking this semester. Also, please read the first question carefully – it needs to be filled out in the exact form specified depending on the course. For this course, fill in "Bergquist - INLS285_001".

The SILS course evaluation forms go only to the individual faculty member who taught the course. The questions on these forms, originally developed by ILSSA, are intended to provide some fine-grained feedback to the instructor on how to improve the course.