where will Big Data lead?

read to prepare yourselves for session 27

  1. read what data can do: The Definitive Story of How President Obama Mined Voter Data to Win A Second Term | MIT Technology Review
    The Obama 2012 campaign used data analytics and the experimental method to assemble a winning coalition vote by vote. In doing so, it overturned the long dominance of TV advertising in U.S. politics and created something new in the world: a national campaign run like a local ward election, where the interests of individual voters were known and addressed.
    • consider how well this worked
    • could the other side have done as well?
    • if yes, why didn't they?
    • if no, why not?
    • what does this portend for the future (in four years)?
  2. then read What data can't do by David Brooks
    What is the balance between the two articles?

things we'll talk about

  • Reagan Moore will introduce us to new ways to handle Big Data
  • consider how these approaches might change how you think about data management
  • what kind of job demands does this create? organizations now require someone to collect the data, store it, organize it, provide access to it, and present it.
  • what kind of opportunities does this open up to you all, as information technology pre-professionals? what kind of opportunities does this open up to you all, as information science practitioners?
  • what kinds of things should you be learning to prepare yourselves for this kind of career?
slides for session 28