organizational diversity

read to prepare yourselves for session 22

  1. Williams, K. Y., & O'Reilly, I. I. I. C. A. (January 01, 1998). Demography and diversity in organizations: a review of 40 years of research. Research in Organizational Behavior, 20, 77.
  2. Catmull, E. (September 01, 2008). How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity. Harvard Business Review, 64.

things we'll talk about

  • ethics feeds into a discussion on diversity in organizations
  • in America, has the push for cultural, religious, ethnic, and gender diversity affected the way organizations recruit and hire new members?
  • is it an organization's responsibility to ensure that it is diverse?
  • how can organizations balance the need to recruit the best possible members with the need to recruit diverse members? or is it a false choice?
  • how can organizations prevent biases from influencing recruiting decisions?
slides for session 22