individual decision making

read to prepare yourselves for session 10

  1. Are Ethics in the Workplace Disappearing? By Catherine Valenti, Feb. 21, 2002

also to prepare yourselves for session 10

  1. Not a reading, but reflect on a time when either you had to make an important decision in an organization or when you observed someone else make an important decision in an organization. Come to class prepared to share your observations and opinions.

things we'll talk about

  • how do ethics and loyalty impact an individual's likeliness to behave ethically within an organization?
  • what kinds of pressures does an individual have to contend with that an organization does not? (family duties come to mind)
  • are individual decisions within an organization less important than the decisions made by organizations as a whole? more important? the same?
  • what are some personal examples of decision making processes within an organization?
slides for session 10