services for adults

In 2005, services to children were declared the number one service priority at [our] Library. This has meant that outreach services to children and in library services to children became the top service priority.

This was the decision taken three years ago by one of our libraries. And while one can agree that the children are the future, one can also state with certainty that the adults are today and the near future.

Last week, we said ...

But, loathe as I am to say it, the future does not belong to the baby-boomer generation; it belongs to their grandchildren's generations.

One can certainly agree with that statement, but the near-future - and possibly the realistic future of public libraries - might well belong to the baby-boomer generation as it gets old and is looking for interesting things to do.

What should be the attitude of the public library to adult patrons?

What are the areas of potential public library service that might appeal to adult patrons - current and potential?

Our text seems to want to address the adult patron issue using the same four criteria used in the discussion of youth services:

  • public sphere
  • cultural heritage
  • education
  • information

But one has to acknowledge that maybe the baby-boomer generation won't want to be categorized in this fashion. Lets look at how each criteria is approached.

Public sphere

The ALA suggests that the library can "support he community's links to the daily reality and discourse of those it serves." Is this true?

  • one could argue that the commons idea has some relevance in that the library can provide a place to be for pops as well as for the kids, but beyond providing free internet access, what does this mean?
  • the idea of community information and referral seems like a good idea, but does this begin to intrude on the zealously guarded preserve of other governmental offices (like the County Clerk of Records, for example)? And does the librarian really want to become the public affairs department for the city or county?
  • should the librarian ignore what the community wants to read and instead collect and offer them what they should be reading?

Cultural heritage

The same back and forth is involved here:

  • local history and genealogy seem to be naturals for people who are starting to get concerned about who they are and where they came from, but it seems that when asked, some communities are not that interested
  • but, on the other hand, the genealogists who are interested can be among the most supportive and most generous library boosters
  • who does one listen to?


Of course, basic literacy, information literacy, and formal learning support are natural fits for how the public library has historically perceived itself, but are libraries adequately staffed and trained to do a good job in these areas?

Or, could the library facilitate these services with some partnerships and coordination with other local agencies who might be better fits?


This might be the place where one can make a difference. As baby-boomers retire (and as the succeeding generations retire later, as they inevitably will), their information needs evolve. One could make a good argument for the library to focus itself on providing all sorts of health information to patrons, certainly in conjunction with state provided online resources, perhaps in conjunction with local health and social services agencies. But how to do this while also doing everything else, and how to do this while not stepping on other agencies' toes as one navigates the bureaucratic minefields.

So, this week consider the adult patrons.

  • What are you all doing now that seems to be working and what are you doing that isn't working as well as you thought it would?
  • What kinds of approaches would you like to consider for your particular situations, considering your patron characteristics and your fiscal realities?
  • What are the growth areas that our libraries might consider moving into, or should we continue on in our classical modes of service?
