
Introduce yourselves to the group by posting a note that covers the following points:

  • your name and any personal details you wish to share
  • your hometown (in any way that you choose to understand the term "home town")
  • pull out the public library card you have in your wallet and tell us about that library
  • think back to the public library that had the most impact on your personal development and tell us about it, covering these topics (as appropriate)
    • where was it?
    • what made it special for you? ("special" doesn't have to mean it was a good experience; a library can have an impact on you because of bad experiences)
    • what is the relationship between that library experience and the fact that you are taking this course now?



Post the note on the class blog by the date and time specified.

This is an informal blog posting, but you should aim for it to be the equivalent of a grammatical, coherent, more or less one to two page paper. Feel free to add images, links, and any other thing you feel you want to share to the posting.



For this task, the following grading standard will be applied. You may infer from the grade you receive that I felt the product could be described in the terms in this table.

98-100 A+ An excellent performance that addressed all of the points in the task and demonstrated real insight into the issues that this course will explore
95-97 A
92-94 A- A strong performance that addressed all of the points in the task and demonstrating a high level of thoughtfulness about the topic of the public library image
89-91 B+
86-88 B A totally acceptable performance that at least addressed all of the points in the task
83-85 B-
80-82 C+
75-79 C A marginal performance that minimally addressed at least one of the four points in the task
70-74 C-
69 and below F Lack of a posting
