readings for 06-12 October 2008

"marketing" in the public library

Nothing from the text this time, but do take a look at these thought-provoking sites

Thoughts on marketing the library in general

Public library training in six self-paced modules that cover the steps of the marketing process. Modules include resource links, promotion ideas, exercises, and quizzes. Create market plans.

Marketing, or the process of tailoring specific products or services to meet customer needs and wants, has long been important to business. It is increasingly important to public services providers in a world of both more competition for financial support and greater expectations on the part of service receivers.

Blog thoughts on the bookstore model and how it relates to the library

You don't have to read them all, but do get the sense of what these bloggers are talking about. These are links to individual blog postings. If you find them interesting, you might look around the blog for other interesting postings.
