Early Bird | Register by January 15, 2007 | $250.00 (US) |
Regular | Register January 16 - March 1, 2007 | $275.00 (US) |
Late | Register March 2 - April 20, 2007 | $300.00 (US) |
Registration is closed.
If you register for this event, we strongly encourage you to reserve a hotel room soon. We have reserved a limited number of rooms at two hotels within walking distance of the conference center but they will fill up soon. Please visit our hotel page to review a list and description of these accomodations and others within the Chapel Hill area.
Cancellations and Refunds: If for any reason you must cancel your registration, your written request must be received before February 15, 2007, to receive a full refund. A $50 handling charge will be assessed for written cancellations postmarked between February 16 and March 15. No refunds will be issued after March 15.
Please contact John C. Schaefer (jschaefe (at) email (dot) unc (dot) edu) if you have problems with or questions about the registration process.