Marketing Information Services
Spring 2000


Overview. For this assignment, you are asked to write three short reviews of three different kinds of material: a book on marketing, a journal devoted to marketing, and a website focused on the topic.

Your reviews can be separate or you can choose a common theme, for example "non-profit marketing" and select examples from all three media for a comparative review.

Book. You may choose any book you like as long as its primary subject matter is some aspect of marketing and it's reasonably current. Some possible choices may be found at Bibliography for INLS237, Spring 2000 or from Reserve Readings, Fall 1998. Please let me know what title you've selected by Wednesday, April 5.

Journal. Choices of journal are not so rich. The following seven titles are listed in your syllabus:

With ten students in the class, at least one person can select each of the different titles so we can have collective experience of them all. Other choices are possible, of course, but I'd like to at least start with these. As I would like to have maximum variety here, perhaps most of you can choose the journal you'd like to do in class on March 29.

Website. You have a luxury of choices in selection of a website to review. See Useful Websites for Marketing Students for some possibilities. I'm sure you can find many more.

Review Contents. For the review, provide an overview of the item and then consider it from the perspective of the topics we've covered in the class, how you see it as potentially useful (or not) to you and/or other library/information folk. Pick out any special features that we should be aware of and perhaps append a sample page or two or short article, or even a quote. Make sure you provide a full bibliographic citation to each of the works you examine and end with an evaluation. None of the reviews has to be long -- perhaps 2-3 pages for each one.

The reviews are due April 19. Be prepared to share your findings.

March 28, 2000.