INLS161-001 Fall 2021

Tools for Information Literacy

Using graphics in a document

Graphics can enhance any document, ...

... adding polish and illustrative value

Graphics can add a lot to a document, but one needs to understand the tools in order to control them effectively.

First, we need to decide where to place an image.

In this case, we want an image to sit alone on a page, and so we have used page breaks to generate a new page within the first section of the document.

[MSWord 365 showing page breaks to prepare place for an image to be inserted]

Then, having obtained an image, we insert in on the page.

Looking at the page in draft view, we can see that the image is in the text layer

[MSWord 365 showing image inserted as in line with text]

Using the image wrap tool, we see that it has been inserted as a text object. Using the "see more" tool to see a more robust dialog box, we change the wrapping from "in line with text" to "top and bottom".

[MSWord 365 showing image wrapping dialog box]

This puts it on a separate level, floating above the text level.

[MSWord 365 showing image wrapping dialog box]

But it doesn't have to stay where it is, we can fit it to the page, either as an absolute location where we drag it, or as a relative position, where we allow the tool to postition it.

[MSWord 365 showing image wrapping dialog box]

Here we chose to let the tool place it relatively in the center of the page, in both aspects.

We did not choose to alter its size, and left it in its original size.

We can use this new understanding to move on to working with graphic objects.

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