
Daily reflections

Everyday, before coming to class, write a short (1-2 paragraph) reflection on the day's reading on the Sakai forum. Include responses to these three prompts:

Submit your reflection by noon so that I can get a chance to read through them before class.

Additional forum posts

In addition to the reflections, on some (4-5) days, you will be asked to respond to a specific question on the forum. Submit your response before coming to class. I will remind you in class before the responses are due.

Leading discussions (optional for undergraduates)

From the beginning of September, graduate students enrolled in the class will have to sign up to lead a discussion. I will meet with the student on the week before to go over their plan. Students are free to choose the day, and are encouraged to choose days when a topic of their special interest will be discussed.
Undergraduate students can also sign up, with permission from me.

Final project

Students in this course will be expected to complete a project that supports creative learning experiences. Final projects for this class may include the design of creative learning activities that use existing tools and material, material to support educators and/or parents, prototypes of digital and physical tools to support creative learning, and more.
Instead of a final exam, a short paper will be due that describes the motivation, theoretical grounding, and design process for the final project. The paper will be due on Monday, December 9th at 8:00AM.
The course schedule highlights specific milestones and deliverables that are associated with the final project.