INLS161-002 | Spring 2017

Group Work

Working in groups for tasks

You may work on task 03, 04, and 05 in groups. You may, if you choose to, also do task 06 as a group project. This page will give you some rules of thumb to follow for group work in INLS261.

Note who your work group members are and be sure you know them by face and by email address. As you work together, I would like you to follow this process for your work:
  • every member of the group should do all the components of the task. Do not parcel out portions of the task to individuals
  • once you have all done as much as you can on the task, share your work - either as email attachments, as Google Docs, as Dropbox items, or in person in the lab.
  • look over what your peers have done in comparison to what you have done and, if needed, modify your version accordingly
  • once all of you have compared your versions, determine among yourselves which version is the one you want to turn in to be graded.
  • one of you all will store the version to be graded and that individual will put a relative link to that file on his or her task 03, 04, or 05 web page. This will mean that you will have to upload the file to your webspace (it can be inside your protected directory if you wish, but it does not have to be there. It can be in a not- password-protected space if you prefer).
  • the member who stores the task that is to be graded will send the full path to that file to the other group members so they will have an absolute link to the stored file that they may use on their individual task web pages.
If you work in a group, I ask you to grade your team members' contributions to the successful completion of the task. I'd like to know your opinion of the value of each team member's contributions. You can relate this assessment to me in an email.. 

last page update: Wednesday Feb 22, 2017


Lawrence Jones

Office hours by appointment.