A Pathfinder by Jason Sokoloff

Davis Library does not subscribe to any serials devoted exclusively to animation. Still, these sources are worthwhile not because they are unique in their subject matter, but because they serve as contemporary references to a continually evolving art form.

  • Animation Magazine. Los Angeles: Animation Magazine Inc., 1987- (Duke University Lilly Library Periodicals)
    This monthly trade periodical follows the animation business as it relates to movie and television production, advertising, video game development and other outlets. While remaining cutting edge, Animation frequently acknowledges techniques and artists from the past that influence contemporary work.

  • Animation Journal. Tustin, Calif.: AJ Press, 1992 - (Duke University Lilly Library Periodicals)
    Edited by a professor of film studies, Animation Journal is a peer-reviewed, academic journal dealing with animation methods, history and social contexts. Published twice a year, each edition usually contains four to six essays addressing very specific topics in animation. Recent issues have addressed topics as diverse as the use of animation in documentary films to the techniques employed by current hit studio Pixar.

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