
These resources provide positive reviews on many of Madeleine L’Engle’s works.

Children’s Literature Review Volumes 1, 14, & 57. Detroit: Gale Research, 1976. SILS
Library Reference [PN1009.A1 C5139]

Each of these volumes provides reviews of her books from respected journals and magazines, such as The Horn Book Magazine, The New York Times Book Review, and The English Journal. Volume 57 includes biographical information, a list of her major works, and awards. Each volume also includes commentary from Madeleine L’Engle on her reasons for writing children’s novels.


Essays and Speeches

This section provides information on the views and opinions of Madeleine L’Engle.

L’Engle, Madeleine. “Dare to be Creative: A Lecture presented at the Library of
Congress November 16, 1983.”
Washington: Library of Congress, 1984.
Davis Reference Federal Documents [LC1.2:D24]

This publication by the Library of Congress recounts a speech given by Madeleine L’Engle about the issues of education and censorship in the United States. She also discusses the reasoning behind her novels and how she feels about the negative criticism she received.


L’Engle, Madeleine. “Is it Good Enough for Children.” Writer July 2000: 113.
This essay is available in Academic Search Elite on the UNC-CH website at under the search term L’Engle, Madeleine.

This essay deals with the lack of understanding writers have of children and what they are able to comprehend. Madeleine L’Engle describes the criticism she faced with her own writing, as well as other authors who touch on controversial elements.


Reviews, Essays, and Speeches

Created for INLS 111 by Rita Bhattacharyya

School of Information and Library Science

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Last Updated December 9, 2003