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Final Student Presentations

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Presentation project is due during final exam time corresponding to your recitation schedule. 605 students are expected to attend the May 2 session. Attendance will be taken for the final exam for UNC administration purposes. If you are unable to attend any exam due to your schedule, please contact me prior the end of the semester.

606 Recitation Students

There are several options for you to participate in a final Presentation Session.

Since you are remote and asynchronous, It is only fair that I allow you to opt for a alternative activity that is an evaluation project; see details below. (There is not any exam that must be completed.)

The goal of the live session is for you to have the opportunity to see other student presentations and/or share your presentation with others. It is a verbal give and take review session.

There will be an online synchronous session on Thursday May 09 at 7:00 p.m. You may join in from anywhere you are in the world with online connectivity.

If you are able to complete your presentation earlier, you are invited to attend my in-person session for 605 students which will begin at 4:00 p.m. Thursday May 02. If you plan on attending this session, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make sure I have room for you. If not, I will run a hybrid class and you may join via zoom. (You will need to turn in your presentation by the start time of the session.)

If you cannot make any session... If you are not able to attend any session let me know by Wednesday May 01 at the latest. I will assign you a review exercise. For clarity, I will label this with the moniker "no-show assignment" (this is tongue in cheek, so don’t let it offend you) This assignment ensures you finish INLS 161 with a chance to evaluate at least two 5-to-6-minute presentations. This is to be completed along with your final presentation which will both be due by May 09 at 7:00 p.m.

This review will be informal but it will be in writing as you will not be able to verbally share it as your peers are able to do in the zoom session or live session. You may submit a recorded zoom video screen share review if that would be more convenient for you.

You do not need to wait until the due date. You may complete it at any time. I have a large bank of presentations and there will be early submissions, so all should work out fine.

Be advised that your presentation, and your review exercise—should you choose that option—must be submitted to Canvas by Thursday May 09 at 7:00. The due date listed in the assignments is simply a catch-all place-holder. There are eight different sections all with different due dates; there are very many different due dates depending on each exam time for each recitation.

final calendar

SectionExam DayExam TimeFor classes with this meeting start time during termLocation
601Thursday, 02 May 20240800-11000800 Mon/Wed/FriManning 0001
604Thursday, 02 May 20241600-19001115 Mon/Wed/FriManning 0307
605Thursday, 02 May 20241600-19001115 Mon/Wed/FriManning 0307
607Friday, 03 May 20240800-11000800 Mon/Wed/FriManning 0208
603Tuesday, 07 May 20241200-15001100 Tue/ThuManning 0208
602Thursday, 09 May 20240800-11000800 Tue/ThuManning 0307
606Thursday, 09 May 20241900-2200Class times not otherwise provided for in the finals scheduleOn-line
608Thursday, 09 May 20241900-2200Class times not otherwise provided for in the finals scheduleManning 0208