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09 | Assignment 09

Git, GitHub, Lists, Dictionaries, and Pandas

This assigment will serve as your final exam. It has a review of a list, a loop, and math and also includes a dictionary.

concepts: version control, git, github, lists, dictionaries, Pandas

Video Demonstrations: Assignment 09 folder on Panopto

Create a Repository on GitHub

You will need to create a repository on your GitHub account. (See the video if you do not know how to do this.)

Name it 560-A-09-pandas

After you create the repository, git clone the repository to your computer. This is also demonstrated in the video.

Confirm that you have set up a git username and git email. To check for this, run the following command in terminal (Mac) or gitBash(PC):

git config --list

You will then see something similar to my output if you already have entered your and

lawrencejones@Lawrences-MacBook-Pro ~ % git config --list

If you do not see your or listed, then you will need to run the following commands one at time: (put in your and, not John Doe)

git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global

After you run these commands run git config --list to confirm your email and username:

$ git config --list Doe

UNC Basketball Roster 2023-24

We will work with the data from this web page:

You will create 1 file for this assignment named Instead of duplicating files to show progress (as we did with the snake game) you will use git commits to track progress.

There are 14 players listed on this website.

For the purposes of this assignment we will not need to list out all fourteen; in the beginning you can work with just a few. For the final submission, choose at least 10 players to list out via a Pandas DataFrame. (I have only done 3 for the video demonstrations).

Step one: create the file and write a list program. Put the link to the roster webpage as a comment in the first line.

Write program to list out the last names only. This does not require Pandas.

  • Choose any three players, last name only.
  • Define the list as roster.
  • Create the list with the apropriate list syntax.

Print out the list using the print function.

This is your output, but with your players:

['Bacot', 'Davis', 'Cadeau']

Save the file and commit this as roster list (I demonstrate this on the command line in the video demo.)

Step two: Modify the program to print out a for loop

Use the same list as you used in the previous file. Print this list using a for loop print out a for loop for the last names only.

This is your sample code output(will use the same five players as the previous file.):


Save the file and commit this as roster loop

See the 08: Pandas Coding and Commits for a demonstration of the remaining steps.

Step three: Import Pandas as pd and create a DataFrame data = pdDataFrame(roster) and print(data).

This is your sample code output:

0 Bacot
1 Davis
2 Cadeau

Save the file and commit this as 0 header

Step four: Import Pandas as pd and create a DataFrame and print data.

This is your sample code output:

  Last Name
0 Bacot
1 Davis
2 Cadeau

Save the file and commit this as Last Name header

Remaining steps are demonstrated in the 08: Pandas Coding and Commits video