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FastAPI Website

with Jinja2 Template

This project will allow you to create an website using Python and host it on GitHub.


Setup Development Environment

  • virtual environment
  • FastAPI
  • uvicorn
  • python-multipart
  • sqlAlchemy
  • jinja2

Create and Host Site

  • WGET separate systems for mac and PC
  • Git
  • GitHub account

Download the starter files from Git Hub

560_site files

Download Files

After you download the folder from GitHub and expand it, there will be a -main added. Rename it to 560_site

venv result

Open folder in Visual Studio Code:

Open in VS Code

Create Virtual Environment Documentation on Virtual Environments

To create a virtual environment in Visual Studio Code terminal for Mac enter the following

python3 -m venv 560_site_env

For windows don't include the 3:

python -m venv 560_site_env

You will then see the virtual environment show up in the folder:

venv result

Activate the Virtual Environment


source 560_site_env/bin/activate



if you are using Powershell, you might need to capitalize Activate

Activation result

You should see your virtual environment in parentheses preceding your working directory:


Install FastAPI

FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.8+ based on standard Python type hints.

To install on both Mac and PC make sure you are still in the virtual environment and enter the following:

pip install fastapi

Install Uvicorn


Uvicorn is an ASGI web server implementation for Python.

Mac and Windows (don't forget quotes; they are necessary!):

pip install 'uvicorn[standard]'

Install python-mulitpart, sqlalchemy and jinja2

You can install all three of these in one command:

pip install python-multipart sqlalchemy jinja2

After you install all of these you will see a lot of output to your terminal:

install result

Start the server

To start the server, you need to enter the following command:

uvicorn main:app --reload 

confirm your server is running:

application server

You should now have a FastAPI website running on http://localhost:8000

application server

We will now start to edit the site.

Stop the server and virtual environment.

When you are done editing, you can stop the server and deactivate the virtual environment.

To stop the server Press CTRL+C to quit.

To stop the virtual environment, type in deactivate

Restarting the server

When you want to work on your web site later, you will not need to repeat all of the start up steps; only two:

Open the folder in Visual Studio Code and (1) activate the virtual environment and (2) start the server:

Activate the Virtual Environment Mac:

source 560_site_env/bin/activate

Activate the Virtual Environment PC:


To start the server, you need to enter the following command:

uvicorn main:app --reload 

When you are finished with the site you can host it on a Python Server. If you don't want to deal with the python server you can create a "serverless" site with the WGET and host it on GitHub or any other site that can host basic html files.