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Spreadsheet Intro

Important Materials for this class​

Rubric:Task 04 Grade Sheet from the Sakai Site.
Source Workbook to submit for Grading:task04.datasets.xlsx file. Do not enable content; see Google slides before opening.
Google Slides:formatting-functions-formula Google Slides presentation I use in this class session.
Recitation Recording:3/25 Recitation Data Intro

We will use the Slide presentation for our guide to complete the following:​

  1. Formatting a Worksheet
  2. Setting up A Workbook
  3. Setting up Conditional Formatting
  4. Freezing Panes
  5. Hiding Data: Columns
  6. Hiding Data: Rows
  7. Understand and Use Functions
  8. Understand and Use Formulas

However, we will move these items to be the last thing that we do during the last session. You will not find them detailed in the PowerPoint or the class recordings.

Note that this is suggested in the grade sheet:
