You will be called upon to demonstrate specific spreadsheet skills on a set of worksheets and will also create several SQL queries based on a set of provided data.

Task ④ ⇒ working with data

spreadsheets task logo

You are to download and modify several existing worksheets to make them a more useful product. To be specific, these worksheets from a variety of publicly available data provided by the US government in spreadsheet form.

The task will require you show capability with a number of data management skills

  • cell and worksheet formatting
  • building formulas and using functions that pull data from other worksheets
  • converting raw data into charts and data displays
  • sorting
  • filtering - simple and multivalue
  • VLookup
  • HLookup
  • pivot tables
Additionally, we will introduce basic database concepts
  • we will gain a familiarity with Entity Relationship Model concepts and terminology
  • we wil gain a familiarity with Structured Query Language (SQL) queries

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There are several different commercial spreadsheet software applications, and you may use the one of your choice. However, your product will have to be capable of being used with Microsoft Excel and MySql (The M in M/WAMP).

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The finished, fully formatted template document will be stored in your Sakai assignments location for INLS161..

Save the finished product using the standard file name structure for this class.

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Value Added | daily
Basics | sessions 01-03
Web Development | sessions 04-08
Document Markup | sessions 09-10
Presentation | sessions 15-16