Your task is to create, through skilful formatting,
a template that can be used for future research papers.

Task ③ ⇒ document markup

document markup task logo

The ability to use the formatting tools and the tools that read formatting to create a professional printed product is a critical skill for any professional. We will create a completely set up template that we can then reuse each time we have a research paper to create.

This task will include showing facility with page setup (with all that entails), style creation and modification (with all that entails), section modifying, headers and footers, footnotes and endnotes, image placement (to include grouping of objects), automatic tables of contents and/or figures, and, perhaps, bibliographies and indexes.

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We will use the UNC Grad School's detailed set of standards for formatting a research paper as guidelines for our efforts.

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The finished, fully formatted template document will be stored in your Sakai assignments location for INLS161..

Save the finished product using the standard file name structure for this class.

An example of a standard file name might be johnson.pat.20191028.task03.markup.docx

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Value Added | daily
Basics | sessions 01-03
Web Development | sessions 04-08
Working with data | sessions 11-14
Presentation | sessions 15-16