Module reports
We often do not realize what we have learned until after due deliberation. Writing a module report provides you an opportunity to reflect on the readings and lectures, and reading the reports you write provides me a chance to assess to what extent you have met the learning objectives.
Value Added
The value you add to your peers' experience in this class is based on three things:
You are expected to attend all classes and to arrive to class before it starts. You should be seated and ready to start at 0930. If you need to miss a class, let me know so we can expect that you won't be with us. -
Be courteous to your classmates. Turn off cell phones, pagers, and other devices that might disrupt class. Use your information tools to support current course activities only. Pay attention. Try not to pursue other interests during the class session. -
General Participation
Class participation consists of doing the following: being prepared for class, making observations about the readings, asking questions, taking notes, actively working on in-class exercises and actively listening. Everyone will get the chance to participate.
Final Exam
There will be a final exam. It may be an in-class exam, or it may be an in-class submission of a take-home project. In either case, you will be informed of the specifications at the final review session.