There are no assigned textbooks,
... but we will have lots of readings

One of our most important will be
Choo, C. W. (2006). The knowing organization: How organizations use information to construct meaning, create knowledge, and make decisions. New York: Oxford University Press.
Readings from it will be available online from UNC Libraries.
A book review of this text noted:
Because this book examines system design and knowledge management by treating the corporation as an information-seeking, creating, and using community, it has direct relevance to scholars of communication in the corporate context. Choo builds a framework that shows the corporation as an organised intelligent seeker, creator, and user of information and knowledge for the construction of meaning and decision-making. He incorporates Karl Weickâs theory of sensemaking in the sharing of meanings and the use of rules and routines to reduce complexity and uncertainty. The text is well crafted and detailed, requiring some effort to navigate through the many concepts and levels of integration that Choo attempts in building his framework. The book will appeal to information systems specialists, and should be attentively visited by communication specialists, too.
Richard Varey, University of Salford, review in Corporate Communications: An International Journal 1999 4(2), p. 106-7
Other Readings
When additional readings are assigned, they will be made available electronically, through the class schedule and the specific session pages.